Accredited Life Coaching Courses

This course is about you and yourself!

It’s a course that will help and transform you personally on a personal and career level. It’s the foundation of thought and emotions. It will answer the why’s and how’s, the power of your intention, the reality you live in. It will pinpoint your next growing direction and step toward a better healthy successful life! And a lot more..

It will reshape your thinking to positive feeling and attitude, you will understand how to coach others through self! Which comes first in your list.

For career it will shape your personality and how to present as a professional life coach, how to start and close a full coaching session, you will learn the principles of being a professional coach; the foundation of self-development.

You will know when to ask and how to ask professional questions that will guide your clients to a better life!

A Coach doesn’t give advice, so if you think you will end up as a consultant this course is not for you! A coach is guiding the client through themselves and find answers within them.

So no solutions or advices will be held during the course, you will learn how to lead and empower others through themselves with conscious communication and tools to explore the power of being human!

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Basic Life Coaching Program Course

Available in Classroom

and Online

IPHM Certificate

Price: 11385 SAR

International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine Course

Available in Classroom

and Online

IPHM Certificate

Price: 6900 SAR

Full Experience
Course Package

  • Basic Life Coaching Program Course
  • International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine Course

IPHM Certificate

Price: 18285 SAR

Course Testimonials

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